Friday, February 19, 2010

new place, new life

Yes, finally its time for me to pack my bags and get ready to go. Let's fly and discover.. a new place, a new life!

My dream that was. A dream that i had since i was in highschool. And now, dream come true. But why don't i feel the way that it should have felt?

i guess i had been too naive, only thinking about the fun and not the responsibilities, thinking bout the parties and not the tasks, thinking about the fabulous new life and not the life with challenges.

Or perhaps i am just too optimistic, thinking that leaving my family and friends would be alright and there's not a tad thing to worry about, thinking that independence would only make me stronger, thinking that making friends would be as easy as baking a cake. (no idea where this came from)

and when i finally had it, that's where i lost it(my mind).

I am homesick.
I miss my family.
I miss my friends.
I am alone.

But can i come around? Hopefully.

week 1 in a new place : lonely.