Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hi Peeps!

Ok i have no idea how many times(due to umpteen times of failed attempts to recreate my blog HA!) i had said this.. but i am back! The last time i tried to revive my blog i did it on window live space, yes, i could post blogs , but no, i could not upload photos, nor could i play music there.. i did the same to my xanga blog and apparently there were technical problems with that too... (my fate with blogging=not good)hence, i figured the best blogging site would still be blogger/blogspot! and hopefully this works!! hehehehe...

tonight is just a typical wednesday night, chilling in my room, listening to some very catchy revived-80's-electropop/dance music.. who could have sung it better than The Veronicas, my new love..? talented and gorgeous Aussie twins i shall say.. and dang, their live performances are awesomeeee!! if you're into that kind of music, check em' out, buy their album "Hook Me Up" now!!!

ah.. and for those who knows me well, you know who my other (music) lovers are, yes! Tegan and Sara! (they're twins too, haha, i just love twins don't I?) I can't wait for the release of their newest album I am so thrilled! Ah.. must grab a piece of "Sainthood"! Hopefully they will tour Australia so i gotta see them live! This is going into my bucket list. This indie band is just too awesome live... Beautiful voices, down-to-earth, and did i mention how funny they are? Canadians = comedians.. yes, it is so true(and it rhymes too! ok that's a lame joke.. lol). Truly one of a kind. =D LOVE EM'!


Mind me, i am a music freak.. :s

Alright, a little bit of highlight about last nite. O.M.G. great night! Jocelyn "Jose" and Chicky and I were having a karaoke session in KK Box in Karamunsing and it was friggin awesomeee!!!! Not to mention how little we had to pay for such long hours of singing and screaming haha! Jo and I literally screamed our lungs out, especially to "Untouched" by The Veronicas. We're later joined by Renee, Pei Li, Sharon C and Samantha Liew. We had so much fun! Hence, we decided to have a karaoke jam session every week. How cool is that?? =D
Can't wait!!

Ah, i guess that's my first post in many months! hehe... will try to update more when i have the time..

Au Revoir! =D


♥♥ CHICKY ♥♥ said...

wow... 3rd blogs
pls don abandon ur blog again~~

Little Miss said...

haha... it's not like i abandoned them.. they disowned me! the other blogs had problems! =( anyway hopefully this sticks for a loooong time. =)