Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week 3 and 4 in a glance

A month has passed by since i landed my feet on this beautiful city.

Loving the city, loving the weather.
Though I am still in search of meeting new friends and faces, I am grateful to have known the ones that are with me now.
Thank you. Deep from my heart.
Thrilled to be able to do the "thing" I have always wanted to do.
At least I get to cross out this one out of my bucket list.
Bacardi Express Concert on Thursday, Lady GaGa on Friday..
And that's where I'm gonna take out my leopard-printed pants and baggy t shirt!
Music life is gooooood..
University is somewhat new to me.
A month being with it, I would say I like it.
Busy, yes. But at the same time relaxing.
Yes, I can see the irony. But you know what I mean.
Discovered really awesome bands while doing my favourite online hobby -- YouTube!
Check out Stars. A Canadian Band. Unique. Genius.
I guess life is thus far good. Hopefully it would be great.
I settled down. But still adapting.
But I gotta say, hey Brisbane, you're lovely..
Week 5 is gonna be a blast and I am so looking forward to it! Will definitely update..
Hope an interesting life will pick up from there.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Memo 2

Hello Brisbane
i think i might fall in love with you.
I think. I might.
I guess i just need to give you some time for me to settle in.
So far so good, i guess.
But then, i still haven't really fit in to you.
I'll give you time.
I will.
Yes, i still feel homesick. But life goes on.
And i am sure i am gonna go through this.
I can do this.
And please, do not rain no more.
Though i like that you're cooling.
Sorry if i asked too much from you.
I just want to adapt.
And of course, i want to know you.
I want to know you, discover you, explore you.
So yes, let me in.
Because i want to fall in love with you.

Week 2: Adapting

Friday, February 19, 2010

new place, new life

Yes, finally its time for me to pack my bags and get ready to go. Let's fly and discover.. a new place, a new life!

My dream that was. A dream that i had since i was in highschool. And now, dream come true. But why don't i feel the way that it should have felt?

i guess i had been too naive, only thinking about the fun and not the responsibilities, thinking bout the parties and not the tasks, thinking about the fabulous new life and not the life with challenges.

Or perhaps i am just too optimistic, thinking that leaving my family and friends would be alright and there's not a tad thing to worry about, thinking that independence would only make me stronger, thinking that making friends would be as easy as baking a cake. (no idea where this came from)

and when i finally had it, that's where i lost it(my mind).

I am homesick.
I miss my family.
I miss my friends.
I am alone.

But can i come around? Hopefully.

week 1 in a new place : lonely.