Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week 3 and 4 in a glance

A month has passed by since i landed my feet on this beautiful city.

Loving the city, loving the weather.
Though I am still in search of meeting new friends and faces, I am grateful to have known the ones that are with me now.
Thank you. Deep from my heart.
Thrilled to be able to do the "thing" I have always wanted to do.
At least I get to cross out this one out of my bucket list.
Bacardi Express Concert on Thursday, Lady GaGa on Friday..
And that's where I'm gonna take out my leopard-printed pants and baggy t shirt!
Music life is gooooood..
University is somewhat new to me.
A month being with it, I would say I like it.
Busy, yes. But at the same time relaxing.
Yes, I can see the irony. But you know what I mean.
Discovered really awesome bands while doing my favourite online hobby -- YouTube!
Check out Stars. A Canadian Band. Unique. Genius.
I guess life is thus far good. Hopefully it would be great.
I settled down. But still adapting.
But I gotta say, hey Brisbane, you're lovely..
Week 5 is gonna be a blast and I am so looking forward to it! Will definitely update..
Hope an interesting life will pick up from there.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Memo 2

Hello Brisbane
i think i might fall in love with you.
I think. I might.
I guess i just need to give you some time for me to settle in.
So far so good, i guess.
But then, i still haven't really fit in to you.
I'll give you time.
I will.
Yes, i still feel homesick. But life goes on.
And i am sure i am gonna go through this.
I can do this.
And please, do not rain no more.
Though i like that you're cooling.
Sorry if i asked too much from you.
I just want to adapt.
And of course, i want to know you.
I want to know you, discover you, explore you.
So yes, let me in.
Because i want to fall in love with you.

Week 2: Adapting